As a part of ID480 Design Management course, Eren Şenyurt will give a seminar titled "Industrial Design outsourcing processes with varying scale of companies: Cases from startups to large companies". The seminar will happen at Amphitheatre at the Faculty of Architecture on 13th March 2024, Wednesday, between 15.00-16.00. We invite everyone interested to join us. For those who want to attend outside of the campus, please send a message to

Eren Şenyurt started her career as a part time industrial designer before her graduation from the Middle East Technical University Department of Industrial Design in 2012 in a design consultancy studio. In 2014 she and two of her collegues of hers have co-founded Venn Industrial Design Consultancy with their official motto in mind; "Science of Design". They have envisioned and accomplished in building reliable key-partnership relations with companies for product development processes varying from 3-person technology start-ups to multi-national automative production companies. Eren has been carrying out management roles in Venn, besides product design duties which includes her area of focus on product visualization and presentation.

Last Updated:
08/03/2024 - 15:16